We woke up the next day and I quickly packed my things and then grabbed a delicious breakfast pizza. I might’ve been allergic to whatever was in the pillows but I still managed to get a full night’s sleep. Also, this hotel obviously caters to us Americans because I got AMERICAN COFFEE. It was glorious. No more taking a shot of espresso as fast as possible because it tastes like pure caffeine. No, real coffee and a delicious pastry. Also, we have learned that pretty much everyone we have interacted with in Slovenia speaks English which has been pretty helpful. Of course if they don’t then Domen can interpret for us so I guess we’re cheating.

The hotel also had an innovative look on serving punch

Our first stop of the day was Lake Bled. This has become a lot busier over the years, probably because it’s a relatively small lake with like 100 sq m of beach, but that’s beside the point. The lake itself is absolutely breathtaking. The water is almost an ‘aqua’ color, I think because of the limestone of the region? Nestled in the middle of the lake is one of Slovenia’s three islands (Domen corrected my knowledge, one of the others is in a river and the other is man-made) that has an old church on it. Legend has it that faeries got mad at people for letting their cows graze on the hill so they unleashed all the water into the valley to make the lake. Perched above the lake is a sweet castle. Nobody lived there for some reason, but used it for defense. Even though it looks like a great place to live. We did a ‘short walk’ up to a viewpoint that overlooked the lake then hiked back down and went to get some original Bled cream cake, which was delicious. I am glad I’m moving so much otherwise I’d have gained like a berjillion pounds on this vacation.

These boats are available to take you to the island in Lake Bled – traditionally each boater made their own boat but now it’s a business
Mom and pops at the scenic overlook for the lake
Our view of Castle Bled from where we had our Bled cream cake
Bled cream cake. It was fantastic! Except the top layer was really solid and hard to cut through with a fork so it was also quite messy

After an eternity waiting for our bill, we started to make our way to the mountain pass – Vršic. Our first stop was to an area that has two little lakes and looks up on the highest mountain in Slovenia – Triglav, so named for the three peaks of it. We dipped out toes in the water (which was super cold) and then took some pictures. We learned of the story of the golden horned ibex (named Zlatorog) which was killed by a hunter as a trophy for his beloved (why do women need to be so materialistic in stories, gosh). The ibex then cursed Slovenia because of it. Or something like that. From there we went to lunch at a mountain hut about halfway up the pass. Lunch was bograc (with a hat on the ‘c’) – stew with three different types of meat in it and an Oktoberfest beer. We also learned along the way that Domen is really into beer. Apparently Slovenia is in the middle  of a craft brew craze similar to the United States! Pretty exciting stuff. We forwent dessert and instead drank some “traditional” Slovenian spirits. The Slovenians must have some pretty messed up traditions because I am like 20% sure that Domen actually served us some turpentine mixed with white spirits. Or something like that. Pretty much anything would be a good idea after drinking some of that stuff.

We also hiked up to this cool waterfall that you can also walk behind. Snapped some pictures
Triglav – the most Slovenian mountain. Apparently it’s “easy” to summit so a lot of people try it. The water was absolutely frigid here but felt really good
Bograc – a traditional stew made with three different types of meat. It was very hearty and very delicious! We had this at the mountain hut before our hike up to the pass

Anyway, after our spirits we were ready to start on the trail up to the pass (maybe that’s why he gave them to us). The trail was very manicured but still had a pretty good ascent over time and offered spectacular views. Like, melt your mouth views. There were also a lot of very beautiful wildflowers growing there! Domen took the car ahead and then met us on the trail to finish the last little bit up. We reached the summit of the mountain that is right by the pass and then signed our names in the guidebook before heading down to the car. We drove to switchback #49 (of 50) and took the small mountain road up to our bed and breakfast.

Selfie on the ascent
View from the top!
We signed the logbook to signify that we had made it to the summit. We were number 456 or so this year

This little resort might be the highlight of the resort so far though! It is the most breathtaking and bucolic little place. My parents room is (once again) way better than mine – they get to sleep in a sweet loft! We played a game of Catan and then had an absolutely amazing meal for dinner. The first dish was gnocchi that was also made with stinging nettles and we all agreed it was the best thing we’ve had so far on the trip. After that was pork belly in a delicious and hearty stew followed by an apricot dumpling with cinnamon sugar for dessert. The man who built the place wanted to be a dentist when he was younger and offered my dad a job 😛

We played Settlers while we were there. I’m pretty sure I can locate which tile the hotel is from. It was amazing!
The sunset made it harder to take photos, but this was the new hut the owner was working on
The was gnocchi that incorporated stinging nettles into it and it was absolutely fantastic!

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