For Sunday we decided it might be best for both of our sake’s if we split up. My day plan was to do the Awa’awapuhi trail – a 6.2ish mile round trip hike down to a vista on the Napali Coast. Adela got the long straw and got to go to the beach and hang by the pool. All the internet literature said to arrive at the trailhead at around 8 am so that you’re not hiking in the sweltering heat. I made good time and was off at 8:12. The vast majority of the hike is actually through the forest, which wasn’t so great for sweeping vistas while hiking, but was really nice for not dying from the sun burning you to a crisp. Along the way I met Bob from Utah. We chatted for a bit, but one thing he said really left me dumbfounded. The hike is like… 2000 ft downhill to start then 2000 ft (approximately) uphill on the way back. And he said that downhill is harder than uphill. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around that one.

The trail itself was really well maintained, much better than the canyon trail from the day before

While the main view was at the end, the views part way through were still pretty awesome

I have no idea why, but the 1 mile marker was at 0.9mi and this was the actual 1 mile marker

Anyway, it took me about an hour and a half to meander down to the vista at the end. My favorite part of the hike down (and really the whole island) was hearing something rustle in the underbrush. Then looking over and seeing a majestic wild chicken just hanging out on the side of the trail. I still laugh every time I hear one. Anyway, there are actually two vistas and an unofficial little bonus vista. The unofficial bonus vista comes with a side of terror-inducing drops on either side of you. I walked out as far as I felt comfortable. Basically until the little voice in the back of my head screaming “STOPPPPPPPP” finally overrode the voice saying “but this is cool!” The hike ends on a mountain ridge overlooking two neighboring valleys. The ridges here are pretty sheer – thousands of feet straight-ish down. They’re covered in an alien-looking light green moss with patches of trees growing wherever they’re able. Luckily there weren’t any closes actually in the valleys when I got there, which I’m not sure was the case for too much longer.

I spent about half an hour relaxing and taking in the sights before beginning the death march back to the trailhead. I made a lot better time than I thought I would, but didn’t realize how red my face was from over-heating until a random person going down the trail told me I needed to re-apply sunscreen. Well… yea, you’ll look like this too buddy on the way out. I made it out without further incident and then drove up to the scenic viewpoint that we missed on the previous day. We definitely shoulda gone together 🙁 While there I got another dose of how random people were – some guy was saying I (or someone else taking a selfie, unsure of who) should make the selfie I took my Grindr profile picture. I’m sure he’s probably on Grindr himself and was just sending out feelers.

It started to rain a teeny bit on the hike out which felt fantastic. I saw people putting on their rain gear… it wasn’t raining THAT hard

Jokes on him, I think it’s a pretty good selife

I made it back around 1 pm, just in time to pick Adela up from the beach. All the local food places were closed because it was Sunday so we ate some lunch at the hotel restaurant. It’s pretty good food so no complaints there. After this I crashed and took about an hour long nap while Adela partied it up at the family pool. Except the family pool is apparently the drama pool. I think people have been cooped up too long and forget like… other people exist. After this we applied some sunscreen and ventured on over to Poipu beach for some snorkeling. I saw a sea turtle! Like close enough to touch it. I stayed up to the super late hour of around 9:40 pm before falling asleep.

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